Become a member

Membership eligibility

A person of either sex shall be eligible for membership if he possesses the following qualifications:

Is within the field of membership consisting of the following bond:

  1. Owns land or resides in the society’s area of operation.
  2. Is an employee of the society.
  3. Is not less than 18 years of age.
  4. Is of sound mind.
  5. Pays entrance fee and minimal share capital.
    • Membership entrance fees is Kshs 1,000.
    • Minimum Share Capital is 500 shares equity @ Kshs 100 equal to Kshs 50,000.

Every applicant for membership shall complete an application for membership form.

Admission into membership

An applicant shall be admitted to membership on being accepted by a simple majority vote of the management committee members, but shall not qualify to the rights and privileges of membership until; an entrance fee of Ksh. 1,000 is paid, and he/she has paid for the minimum share capital of 500 shares @ Kshs 100.

"Our membership registration process is easy."